A workshop for landholders to hear from key scientists on our future with African Lovegrass.
Date: Saturday 21st June – 9:00am – 3:30pm
Presenters Include:
Dr Jennifer Firn – CSIRO. Jennifer is working to conserve biodiversity in production landscapes and has done a doctorate on African Lovegrass and the effect different control strategies have on its persistence.
Dr Josh Dorrough – Phd Plant Ecology. Josh’s research has focused on the interactions between agricultural production systems and native vegetation.
Dr Robert Godfree – CSIRO Ecologist. Robert is a grassland expert who has worked with African Lovegrass and is researching for Cooma Monaro Shire Council.
Luke Pope – South East LLS agronomist. Luke has worked with landholders do develop practical plans for management of ALG and is working with local councils on ALG policies.
Dr Greg Bender & Norman Marshall – Australian Soil Management. Greg & Norman have developed S
oilSense, a structured soil management program.
Bruce Davison – a local landholder who has spent the last 11 years researching and managing African Lovegrass.
RSVP before 16th June – by email to Bredbo Landcare Secretary, Lauren Van Dyke – barefoothorses@gmail.com or mob: 0411 402978
Lunch & Morning Tea provided by Murrumbidgee Landcare
Bush Heritage have kindly offered one Yellow Box Tree seedling to each attendee.