African Lovegrass Unearthed

A workshop for landholders to hear from key scientists on our future with African Lovegrass.

Date:  Saturday 21st June – 9:00am – 3:30pm

Presenters Include:

Dr Jennifer Firn – CSIRO.  Jennifer is working to conserve biodiversity in production landscapes and has done a doctorate on African Lovegrass and the effect different control strategies have on its persistence.

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Dr Josh Dorrough – Phd Plant Ecology.  Josh’s research has focused on the interactions between agricultural production systems and native vegetation.

Dr Robert Godfree – CSIRO Ecologist.  Robert is a grassland expert who has worked with African Lovegrass and is researching for Cooma Monaro Shire Council.

Luke Pope – South East LLS agronomist.  Luke has worked with landholders do develop practical plans for management of ALG and is working with local councils on ALG policies.

Dr Greg Bender & Norman Marshall – Australian Soil Management.  Greg & Norman have developed S

oilSense, a structured soil management program.

Bruce Davison – a local landholder who has spent the last 11 years researching and managing African Lovegrass.


RSVP before 16th June – by email to Bredbo Landcare Secretary, Lauren Van Dyke – or mob: 0411 402978

Lunch & Morning Tea provided by Murrumbidgee Landcare

Bush Heritage have kindly offered one Yellow Box Tree seedling to each attendee.

The workshop has been made possible with support from the Australian Governments Caring for Our Country Community Landcare Grant program and the Murrumbidgee Regional Landcare Facilitator Project.