Soil Assessment Workshops

You are invited to attend these free 2 day workshops sponsored by South East LLS as part of the national Soils Skills Competition.  These workshops will provide you with practical tools and soil kits to measure key soil attributes.  You will practice key skills in assessing paddocks using on-farm assessment techniques and through soil testing.

_DSC8474The workshops will help you make informed farm management decisions to achieve positive outcomes for soil health & farm profitability.

Presenter: David Hardwick, agricultural ecologist, Soil Land Food. 

Day One: Learn how to understand and assess the soil ecosystem in a paddock and use various indicators to objectively determine soil health in the paddock, and get hands-on by carrying out basic soil health assessment and monitoring activities.  Take home a free soil kit!

Day Two: Learn how to interpret a comprehensive soil test and identify any soil restraints that may have an impact on your farms productivity.

Click to see the flyer: Soil Assessment Workshops

Bredbo – Sat 24th Oct & Sat 14th Nov (Bredbo Community Hall)
Bungendore – Sun 25th Oct & Sun 15th Nov (“Millpost” 312 Millpost Lane)
Time: 10:00am – 4:00pm

Contact Alice on 62297713 or email

Bring: Drink bottle, suitable clothing for paddock walks, pen & paper and folding chair.

Morning tea and lunch provided.