Do you want to make informed farm management decisions to achieve positive outcomes for soil health & farm profitability? This 2 day soil health workshop will be facilitated by David Hardwick, an agro-ecologist with over 20 years experience in sustainable agriculture working in diverse roles including agronomy, soils, agribusiness, R & D, fertiliser manufacturing, rural training and extension and Landcare. At the workshop participants will: learn how to understand and assess the soil ecosystem in a paddock use various indicators to objectively determine soil health get hands-on by carrying out basic soil health assessment and monitoring activities take home your own simple soil health kit. Participants will undertake two comprehensive soil tests on their own property and then: learn how to interpret your comprehensive soil test results identify any soil restraints that may have an impact on your farms productivity find out the management options available that will address any issues learn […]
Daily archives: 03/08/2016
Platypus can be found throughout the Monaro – in the Numeralla, Murrumbidgee & Snowy Rivers as well as smaller creeks such as Cooma Creek. Waterwatch is running surveys throughout August to help learn more about platypus populations on selected rivers in the surrounding region. Come along & help us throughout August & September to help us learn more about platypus populations on rivers around Cooma. No experience necessary. RSVP to: Antia on 0429 778633 or email What to Bring: Warm clothes, binoculars & a watch or phone. COOMA REGION (ALL ON SATURDAYS AT 8AM) 6 AND 27 AUGUST – MURRUMBIDGEE RIVER; 13 AUGUST AND 3 SEPT – COOMA CREEK; AND 20 AUGUST AND 10 SEPT – NUMERALLA RIVER
COOMA – Friday 9th September, Ex Services Club BRAIDWOOD – Saturday 10th September, Servicemens Club Producers, land owners & managers are invited to join South East LLS for a workshop that will provide participants with information to help them make informed decisions about sowing & managing native grasses. Guest speaker Dr Ian Chivers is a leader in the native seed industry. Topics will cover: the role of native grasses in our landscape; how & where to sow native grasses; how to establish native grasses and manage them; and how to utilise existing native pastures for seed and production. The first 20 people to register for each workshop will receive a free copy of Dr Chivers new book “Australian Native Grasses”. RSVP to South East LLS 6452 1455 or call Jo 0429 785986 or email