To add to the scenic views along the Monaro Hwy just north of Bunyan is a new army of green tree guards nurturing yet another native plant revegetation plot. The new plot, installed by Sue and Steven Wallace, of more than 200 native trees and shrubs runs along the Monaro Hwy between the Bunyan Gravel Pit and the Bunyan Glider Club. It links into an adjacent healthy stand of white chested Ribbon Gums (Eucalyptus viminalis) and Snow Gums (E. pauciflora). This particular tree association is listed by the NSW Government as an Ecological Endangered Community that tends to hug the tops of the slopes and ridges right through the otherwise barren Monaro plains. Unfortunately, the Ribbon Gums have succumbed to a massive tree dieback episode. Indeed, over 5,000sq km of the Monaro is now covered with dead Ribbon Gums. It seems there is no single smoking gun to explain […]
Daily archives: 05/09/2017
2 posts
The following papers were presented at this important forum. K2C Forum ProgramDieback Forum Introduction by Rainer RehwinkelDieback Implications for Koalas by Chris AllenBlakely’s Red Gum Dieback Mapping by BothaMonaro Dieback by Cris BrackAssisted Colonization by Sue McIntyreMcleods Creek NR Woodland Restoration by Suzanne PowerWoodland Management Principles by Jacqui StolMonaro Tree Comeback Project by Nicki TawsUpper Snowy Landcare Monaro Dieback project by Lauren Van DykeAction Plan to Address Dieback in K2C Region