The Upper Snowy Landcare Network stall was inundated by visitors wanting to grab the free Native Tree Planting Guide kindly launched by Hon Bronnie Taylor on the day and a free native tree. Shane Trengove (USLN Chair) spoke to the crowds about the importance of the guide on the back of the massive tree dieback affecting the region and Michael Platts from Monaro Tree Nursery explained the steps involved to successfully plant and raise a tree in our challenging climate. If you would like to receive a hard copy of the guide please go to the Snowy Monaro Regional Council office in either Cooma, Berridale, Jindabyne or the Cooma Visitors Centre and or the Cooma Library or contact Lauren on 0411 402 978 or contact Lauren on Or you can down the Native Tree & Shrub Planting Guide here
Daily archives: 22/02/2018
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