Daily archives: 07/06/2019
The Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES) is conducting a second National survey on pest animal and weed management for the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources. The survey is aimed at agricultural businesses covering; broadacre, horticulture, dairy and other livestock enterprises encompassing all Natural Resource Management (NRM) regions. The survey will be open from 9 May 2019 until 15 July 2019. This is the second national survey by ABARES on pest animal and weed management, with the first undertaken in 2016. The survey asks questions about the incidence of and problems pest animals and weeds cause, the cost of management and the types and effectiveness of control actions—both on-farm and conducted by local groups. kaufen cialis generika The results of the 2019 survey will be published for each NRM region, as well as for each state and for the nation. Results from the 2016 survey are available […]