Dear contacts across the South East, Canberra Region Joint Organisation (CRJO) is currently advertising a first group of bushfire-funded positions and is seeking exceptional collaborators to join the team. CRJO is willing to facilitate secondment into these positions if that is preferred. Get in touch with Kalina Koloff at CRJO if this is of interest: The positions are: The Data and Engagement specialist, who will be working on both the SimTable Community Engagement for disaster preparedness project and the Contaminated Lands project. The position is offered on a full-time basis until December 2022 and attracts an annual commencement salary of $86,070 per annum plus superannuation. Closes 16th August web. The Program Coordinator and the Communications and Engagement Specialist, who will both be working on the Blueprint for a Resilient SE NSW project. These positions are offered on a full-time basis until June 2023 and attract an annual commencement salary of $104,348 per annum plus superannuation. This partnership project is one that I am also working on three days a week as DPIE’s contribution, so come join our team! Closes 1st September. For further information see Thanks also to those of you who assisted in the development of these projects! As you can see they are off the ground and we will be reaching out again soon! Cheers Mel Melinda Hillery Senior Project Officer, Climate Resilience and Net Zero Emissions Branch Climate Change and Sustainability Division | Department of Planning, Industry and Environment T 02 6229 7156 | M 0427 440 335 | E Level 3, 11 Farrer Street, Queanbeyan NSW 2620 |