Good afternoon Regional Community of Practice friends, I am honoured to call for Expressions of Interest to the 2023 South East Local Leaders Program. This program has successfully graduated over 120 leaders working across agriculture, Landcare, the environment, recovery and resilience in South East NSW. Most recently delivered in 2021, the South East Local Leaders Program is a rural leadership development program building community, industry and government leadership capacity for resilience and sustainability. The program includes 9 days of residential workshops and online learning between 8 February and 5 May 2023. Please see the attached flyer for more information about the 2021 South East Local Leaders Program. The Expression of Interest Form can be accessed here. Applications close COB 27 January 2023. Many thanks, Marien Stark The South East Local Leaders Program is delivered by South East Local Land Services, through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program. Here is the FLYER for more info.