Owing to our current Coordinator, Lauren Van Dyke, moving into a Project Management role, we are advertising for a part-time (0.5 FTE) Coordinator beginning in January 2024. Details below. Local Landcare Coordinator Snowy Monaro Region, NSW 2.5 days/week for up to 4 years Salary: Starting at $40,000 for half-time employment plus superannuation, office allowance and leave loading Upper Snowy Landcare Network is currently recruiting for a part-time position located in the southern Monaro (Cooma/Berridale/Jindabyne/Dalgety). The successful applicant will work to support engagement between Upper Snowy Landcare Network and local landcare groups, local landholders, schools, environmental groups and government agencies to enhance participation in natural resource management activities that address biodiversity, resilience and sustainability issues on rural land. Essential criteria: Class C Driving Licence. Flexible in working hours, including some out-of-hours activities and overnight stays. Working with Children’s Check. Preferred criteria: Use of own vehicle (costs reimbursed at ATO rates). For […]
Daily archives: 30/11/2023
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