The Upper Snowy encompasses a range of land types, including steep river country, woodland and grasslands. The area includes large tracts of bushland as well as productive agricultural land.
The main Natural Resource Management Issues in the Upper Snowy region include:
- Tree Dieback – loss of approx 2000 sq km of E. viminalis (Ribbon Gum)
- Invasive weeds and Weeds of National Significance including
- serrated tussock
- African Lovegrass
- Blackberry
- Erosion – gully erosion and stream bank erosion
- Soil health – 10 years of drought put enormous pressure on the area and soil health and productivity is slowly recovering.
- Biodiversity – the key to healthy ecosystems is biodiversity and Landcare works hard to ensure projects work towards a healthy ecosystem.
- River rehabilitation – both the Snowy & McLaughlin Rivers run through our region and projects are ongoing to preserve and protect riparian zones and native habitat.
Current Projects
- Koala Strategy – Rehabilitating koala habitat and monitoring koala activity
- Grasslands – Working to raise awareness of this rare and threatened community
- Land for Wildlife – Engaging with landholders to develop conservation agreements
- Dieback Project – Rehabilitating grassy woodland areas which have suffered a dieback event
Past Projects
- Rushes Creek Project – River rehabilitation and weed control program
- Containing the Invasion – Managing serrated tussock along the Snowy River
- Grasslands Grazing to Control Serrated Tussock – Integrated grassland management program
- Integrated Erosion Control – River restoration and erosion management in the Upper Snowy
- MacLaughlin River Rehab Stage 4 – River restoration and weed management along the MacLaughlin