Tree Planting Methodology

We have produced two useful documents on large-scale tree planting methodology tailored to local conditions on the Monaro. Find both of these below.

USLN tree and shrub planting guide for the Monaro – Updated Version – 2021

This document is an updated version of our planting methodology, inputs and costs. It contains a lot more information than our first version of 2017 – see below. It provides a step-by-step recipe for large-scale planting of native trees and shrubs in our challenging environment. Find the document here.

USLN tree and shrub planting guide for the Monaro – First Version – 2017

This document describes our planting methodology, inputs and costs. It provides a step-by-step recipe for large-scale planting of native trees and shrubs in our challenging environment. Find the document here.

Summit on large scale tree planting on the Snowy Monaro

This document summarises the presentations at a one-day workshop held in July 2019. where planting contractors and practitioners shared knowledge on best-practice tree planting in the Snowy Monaro. Find the document here.